
大馬尼拉交通建設路網計劃 - 影片

"馬尼拉都會區和其周邊區域之交通建設路網計劃", 是從2013年3月執行到2014年3月, 這是菲律賓首都區域到2030年交通建設計劃的一環.



"The Roadmap for Transport Infrastructure Development for Metro Manila and Its Surrounding Areas (Region III & IV-A)" was a project conducted from March 2013 to March 2014, which draws an integrated transport masterplan towards 2030 for the sustainable development in the National Capital Region in the Philippines. This video introduces  the concept of the roadmap study as well as the proposed "Dream Plan" in order to mitigate worsening traffic congestions, increasing hazard risks and other urban issues in Mega Manila.(English with Tagalog subtitles, 6:27)